Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who Needs Teeth Anyways?...

Sorry for not writing yesterday..things have been just a little less than chaotic here.
I got home yesterday...oooh man it felt good to take a shower after being in the woods for 3 days LOL. I have all of the dogs back don't know how bad I missed my weenies.
For those of you that don't know, I have 3 Dachshunds (Angel, Hero, and Monty) and a Bull Terrier (Tribute).

Angel is a therapy dog... we used to frequent a local convalescent home and spend time with the residents. She is such a sweet little girl and I have yet to meet a person that didn't fall immediately for her loving personality.

Monty is my clown. As much as he helps me, he also makes me laugh. He is very perceptive to people's moods and loves to cuddle. Monty especially loves children. Everytime I take him into a store, he always finds at least one toddler to sit at their feet and beg for attention from.

Hero is my fierce boy. He definitely has a presence that demands to be recognized and acknowledged. I believe his presence is what makes him a great show dog. He competes in AKC conformation shows and is and IABCA International Champion.

Tribute is new to our family. She came to us from Bianca and Ash of Nocturnal Bull Terriers in New Brunswick, Canada. She is definitely a swet and goofy girl. She loves to play with the Weenies as I call my dachshunds) and loves to go outside. She is the one that will be accompaning me on most of my hikes. She is also a show dog, and will resume her showing career in a few months.

As I was saying, I am relieved to have my dogs back from the boarder (They were boarded while I was gone). They have been very excited to be back home and pretty much made a huge mess that I now have to clean. Knocked over end table....
I also have like 50 messages to answer on my voicemail....way too many e-mails to respond to...and yeah.
So I was walking up the stairs and fell forward. I hit my chin on on of the steps and in the process of doing so, bit down on my tongue ring and broke a tooth. I'm in a considerable amount of pain considering that even breathing in through my mouth is enough to make me cry...and I have a really high pain tolerance. I can't get in to the dentist until next week, even on emergency status.

On top of that, I have to help my mother, who doesn't care whether or not my head is about so split in half because of the pain from my tooth. She is disabled and can not do very much on her own. I have to help her with almost everything...from standing up to putting her shoes on her cooking and cleaning because she can't do it herself. My mother is a touchy subject and will probably not be brought up again....but loss there.

I made a slide show and posted it on Youtube. It contains photos that I've taken over the last 5 months, but most of them coing from this weekend.

I've noticed that just by following a few tips from Jose, more of my shots are coming out the way I want them to, and more of my photos are "usable". Thank you so much Jose :)

I have the opprotunity to have some of my photos on a local news show. I'm excited about my photos being seen locally, as very few people have actually seen them. Funny, isn't it? I post my pictures all over the internet..and no one close to me has seen them unless I've shown them in person. It's weird...I want people to see my pictures, but I don't like going out of my way to try and make them seen. The Youtube Slide Show is probably the most "public" thing I have done. I'm not going to lie, the idea of being recognized for doing something I love sounds quite appealing.

I have a support system of friends and "fans" that I am very appreciative of. Some of them have been there and believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. Just when I think I might as well give up, someone says or does something that makes me smile and feel ridiculous for even being down-hearted.

LOL. I had so smile when I dedicated two of my photos to two little girls (ages 3 and 7). They are the daughters of a friend and one of them was pretty sick...In an effort to do something nice and raise her spirits, I dedicated a picture to her. I wasn't expecting her to be as excited as she was. I also wasn't expecting her sister to ask "where's my picture?"

It was touching. To have even little children like my photos makes me even more determined to become better and work harder to reach my goal of being a professional nature photographer.

Here is the Video:

Well...I am off for now. Thanks for reading :D

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