Thursday, April 23, 2009

And Black Cats are Supposed to be Bad Luck....

Mmkay, earlier I mentioned my canine companions, but I forgot to mention my more independent, camera shy, perpetually shedding, two year old feline.

Tucker is a rescue cat. He was taken off of the Skokomish Indian Reservation after his owner had been arrested and charged with animal cruelty. Tucker was the only kitten in his litter that survived...Just to warn you, this will be a little graphic.

The person that had Tucker, also had 26 other cats a few litters of kittens. They were always breeding, always fighting, and always getting sick. He never took the cats to the vet because he believes in survival of the fittest, so alot of the cats removed off of his property tested positive for FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) and FeLV (feline leukemia virus) and had to be put down. The remainder of the cats had been tortured, some to the point of death. Tucker was out of a litter of 5 week old kittens that had been found in a fishtank, still smokey from having meth blown in from a tube. Some of the kittens had their hair burned off, some had been found skinned alive, and some were found with limbs missing. The kittens were very sick from the meth, from infection, and from parasites living on their bodies. Some of the cats had fly larvae (maggots) living on/in their skin from flies invading the infections. Of the 26 cats and countless kittens removed off the premesis, Tucker and 5 others were the only ones that survived.

The reason I brought this up is that I wanted to share my photo of the day. You can't really appreciate the picture unless you've known that this cat was once an emaciated kitten on his deathbed.

Tucker is now a 13 pound, healthy, frisky, and congenial cat. He is so damn hard to photograph because he either runs away as soon as he sees the camera, or he gets right up on top of me and begs for attention xD

Naturally, Tucker hangs out with the dogs and can be found napping with Monty or Tribute. He is definitely a character...the only cat that has taken, and PASSED, the AKC regulated Canine Good Citizen test. He sits, stays, walks on a leash, and lays on command, better than Hero does xD.

Don't let Tucker's expressions fool you. He always has either a fierce or sorrowful look on his face, but once you say his name or snap your fingers at him, he's right in your face rubbing up against you, demanding your attention.

Anyway...Thanks for Reading :D

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