Monday, April 20, 2009

Blank Ramblings

YAY! My first Blog :D

Ok, so this is yet another thing I am new to....Blogging...And I shall start off by telling you what exactly is going to be discussed here.

Quite literally, I picked up a camera a few months ago and decided I wanted to take pictures. Not those poser pictures with a point and shoot style camera, but the kind that you need an eye for....the kind that takes an ordinary, everyday objects and makes them unusually captivating and pleasing to the eye. Here in lies the problem with that: How does someone with minimal experience and knowledge of cameras and photography become "good" at taking pictures of this nature?

I haven't yet figured this out, so up until recently, I have been playing with my camera settings and consulting the manual for suggestions. While I have managed to take a few good pictures now and then, I have failed to retain the knowledge of which setting is good for which type of picture and certain tricks to obtain different affects.

While I was asked to start a blog by a few people, my main reason for agreeing to write is purely for my own benefit. I hope that by writing my experiences, I will not only retain this knowledge better, but have notes to refer back to in the future.

Saying this....My first Real blog will be coming soon.