Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Apparently...Things Aren't Always Black&White...

LOL Seriously. I decided to play...yes..PLAY...with my camera settings. Call me stupid...but before today, I didn't know my camera had Black & White, Sepia, Negative and some other odd looking I thought to myself...NEAT!!! PLAYTIME!!!

So..While we were working on the car (replacing the brake pads or whatever) I was taking pictures here and there in Black & White....Mostly of Tribute lol. 'We' is Ray and I. Ray is my mother's boyfriend/man-slave/thing.

Lol...Ray told me to disconnect something..I can't remember what it was, but I couldn't reach I did what I normally do when my short ass can't reach something....I hopped up and balanced on my pelvis/hips/whatever and leaned over to reach it...totally freaking forgetting that the car was on a jack...Long story short...My forehead is gonna be bruised and my neck hurts a little. (I'm laughing really hard LOL)

Anyway...after that little adventure, I was excused from my duties as "assistant mechanic" and decided to wash up and come play with my new pictures.

I'm only going to share the one I like the most because the others are either totally freaky, or really yucky looking.

Now...I wasn't liking any of these much. I really didn't intend on sharing them....but I figure I might as well write this down and have it somewhere I will remember it.

I took this into photosp and toyed with the contrast and saturation and shadows and whatnot..and it looked okish like that....but flat and dull...So I added a warming filter and it looks ALOT better. Proud of myself for taking (in my opinion) a pretty decent black&white photo, I showed it to Jose.

He pointed out that one of the most important things to capture on a photo like this, is the subjects eyes (Assuming that the subject does indeed have eyes)...

Well, even though I was just playing around, I should have been paying attention. I was losing light and the sun was behind Tribute (and the trees) and I despise using my flash (I really do hate my flash)....So her eyes are just kinda "there". Not really noticible. Nothing really redeeming about this particular photo. BUT...I have learned from it...and that's what makes it worth posting :D

I guess this means more homework ...this time: Playing with Lighting. YAY!!

Thanks for Reading

1 comment:

  1. "Now...I wasn't liking any of these much. I really didn't intend on sharing them....but I figure I might as well write this down and have it somewhere I will remember it."

    what is this a chat site,only teasers for members?!?!?
    COME ON,show us a bad picture,we love those too!
