Monday, April 27, 2009

Photo Murderer

Ok..once again I have failed to write...I apologized, but I must tell you that blogging is one of the last things on my list of things to do lately....

With my tooth being broken and being unable to eat or drink anything because of the pain, the slightest thing is enough to make me feel faint and dizzy. I gave up on the rum because it was only a temporary solution.
Yesterday...And I do feel bad for José and Herman...I was being taught how to use Adobe Photoshop CS4...

Bear in mind that I haven't really edited a picture before...And Neither one of them have CS4...

First..I couldn't find the program. Then I couldn't find my folder....It seriously took me almost a half an hour to find the folder with my photos in it....then I didn't know what to do...or how to get the picture into the program.

I was, and still am, anxious to learn how to use the program ...and I feel frustrated that I haven't figured it out yet. I was getting literally getting mad to the point of getting dizzy because I didn't understand how to do things. Despite Herman telling me to relax...I continued to fume...And then my nose started bleeding...
After gettng that taken care of...Back to learning the program...

We (me and José) are developing RAW José had to show me how to "develop" the photos.
Let me shed some light on the situation.....José and I live in different countries, so he was teaching me how to do all this in messenger by sending screen shots back and forth...and patiently explaining things ....It was going well..and after an hour of "developing" the photo was playing (killing) with, then it was time to "open the Image". Sweet....

And then my computer shut down.

Yep...Just like that...Crashed...BOOM..dead.

I was so pissed off that it took all of the self control that I have in me to resist the urge to throw my computer.

I wanted to continue learning the program, but I after getting pissed, I started getting lightheaded and decided to call it quits.
So...Today is a new day...and...I can't really feel much pain in my tooth anymore...just throbbing...and I'm going to try and eat something...walk the dogs...and try this again....

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