Friday, April 24, 2009

Post Procesing..

Ok...To distract mysef from my dental pain (my tooth is still broken), I have decided to experiment with post processing.

In order to do that, I needed a photo editing I downloaded a fee trial of Adobe Photoshop CS4. Holy Hell Hole....this program is hard to figure out. I have watched quite a few tutorials on Youtube, Downloaded some tutorials from DeviantArt, and am trying to apply some of the tip/techniques that I have picked up to my own photos. So far... epic failure... but as you have probably noticed, I am a "learn by doing" kind of person, so it probably won't be too long before I start picking up on it and getting the hang of things.

One part of photo editing that am extremely interested and very anxious to try is HDR. I think it looks more confusing than it actually is...

Tonight I will go down to Mud Bay and shoot the sunset. I will bear in mind the kind of images I will need for the HDR process and hopefully will come back with something useful.

This weekend I will also be going back out to the canal to re-shoot the HamaHama in different locations. I will be experimenting with my settings, trying to achieve what I call "the soft water effect". I don't know what it's actually called...maybe I should look that up....

I will also be going to the Deschutes River to try my hand at some real waterfalls...

I am not sure what sparked my sudden interest in waterscapes, but it should be fun to play with :D

Thanks for reading :D

I hope to have some great pictures to show for tonight!

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