Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Open mouth, Insert foot

Ooookay. This is going to be a blog where my current mindset really comes out.

Today, the Eco-Freaks (my new nickname for them) decided to just hang out and take it easy. Cool. I thought that this meant that I was free to wander the woods, going wherever my little heart pleased. Nuh-uh. I was wrong.

They sat around the camp on folding chairs and I sat cross-legged on a stump a few yards away, toying with my camera. I overheard them asking eachother questions like "Why did you choose ecology?" and "what made you come on this trip?" and so on. I got up from the stump to go grab a bottle of water when the oldest girl in the group called my name and said "Hey, I've got a question for you." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "ok," assuming that I would get the same general "Why did you choose..." question.

She sort of half glared at me and smirked a little when she asked me: "At what point can you consider yourself a photographer?"

At first I was confused so I asked her what she meant.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Well at some point you must have considered yourself as a photogapher." Her tone was that of an accusation. It stung.

I didn't know how to answer that, so I just shrugged and asked her "At what point did you consider yourself an Ecologist?" Wrong response. She pointed to a stack of notebooks and got in my face and said, "When it became my job title." I'm not really sure "said" is the correct word for the way she said that...it was more of a hiss.

I walked away after that. I didn't know how to respond. I still don't know how to respond. My whole day has been thrown off because I was so distracted by her question.

At what point can I consider myself to be a photographer?

The answer is: There is no right or wrong answer because the question can go in any direction.

I came to this conclusion after asking some of my friends the same question. "When can one consider themselves to be a photographer?"

I got different answers from everyone.

Two people said, "When a photo is published in a recognized magazine."

Another person said, "Don't worry about 'when you can be considered a photographer'...she said anyone that takes a picture is a photographer as soon as they snap the photo....but there are just some that are really good at it."

Someone else said, "My answer would be...that I will always consider myself as photography student because I hope I learn something everytime... I would know that I'm a skilled student when people ask me to print my work."

I began to really think about it because it's a grey area. I am a pretty black and white person...either something IS or ISN'T. I don't deal with grey areas well. This question has bothered me to the point where I haven't felt like taking any pictures....where I haven't even wanted to touch my camera all day. And I haven't. I once again began to doubt my ability of being able to take good pictures. I was expressing this to my boyfriend, and, in doing so, I think I ended up pissing him off..or hurting his feelings. Then I realized something...

By doubting myself, I am doubting all of the people who like my photos. By doubting myself, I am pretty much insulting the people who believe in me and have confidence in my abilities. Who am I to question other peoples' tastes and preferences. I should be greatful to have people taking the time to actually look at what I have done. I should be even more greatful that people like my photos.

So I apologize. I am sorry if I have offended anyone by being so negative.

And I have an answer to that question.

"When can one consider themselves to be a photographer?"

The truth is....I have always considered myself a photographer. The moment I picked up my camera and decided I wanted to take pictures, I labeled myself as a "Novice Photographer" and by doing that, have considered myself to be a photographer in the very sense of the word. I take pictures...is that not what a photographer does?

I AM a photographer...and I bear that title with pride.


  1. like jonny walker says...Keep Walking (and take tons of pics while you do that...Ohhh and remember that Cameras only have 100k photos life, lol)
