Sunday, August 9, 2009

Look Who's Back....

Well....After over 2 months of no blog posts...I have a few stories to share....Some funny...some sad...some that piss me off thinking about it.

Story 1: Chris's Birthday

Ok. So this was the first "event" I was asked to shoot. Supposed to be a fun learning experience....right? was fun til the end..

Chris is my sister's fiance. He's a douche. All he does is play video games all day and doesn't help out with housework for Heather at all. It's ridiculous.

ANYWAY...I was on the dock taking pictures of everyone having fun swimming in the some neat pictures to add to my nature and wildlife collections...and all was good. I managed to stay dry and on the dock for about 4 hours. My Sister's douche fiance thought it would be funny to push me in lake...while I was wearing all my clothes.....and holding a camera. An expensive camera....LUCKILY the douche fiance's father grabbed the camera by the strap before it hit the water....after that, I proceeded to take pictures while still floating about in the lake. It was fun ^^

After getting out and going to wring out the only clothes I had (i.e. the wet ones I was wearing) I decided to TRUST my family with my camera...leaving it on table, making sure everyone heard me say "Do Not Touch This While I Am Gone." I'm not even gone for 5 minutes...and I return to the group just so see them passing the camera around, looking at the pictures and deleting the ones they don't well as taking pictures of themsleves.

Oh yeah. I was a little pissed.

It got worse when my mother said, "It's not your place to determine which pictures get deleted and which ones stay. And stop freaking out....I'd understand if you were like some sort of professional photographer....but It's just you...and you're definitely not a pro."

Ouch, right? Yeah....I thought so too.

First of all, as the photographer that they ASKED to shoot the event, I feel that I am entitled to delete/edit whichever photos I decide are "no good." I think that, since I'm the one spending time and damaging my camera by taking pictures at their event, the least they could do is respect the fact that...while I may not be professional (yet), I am still entitled to the same respect as they would give to someone they would have hired.

Secondly, What happened to respecting someone else's property? I asked them not to touch it. Again....while I am not professional...and while it is "just me".....Am I not entitled to at least SOME respect for my belongings?

And Third. Thanks mom. I appreciate your faith in my abilities. I'm so glad you think so highly of me.....

Meh....anyway...the next story is for another time...I need some sleep now...I'll post pictures later :)

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