Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sorry about the long break

I'm sorry about the long break....things have been busy and the blog has kinda been put on a back burner...
But I am back!

And I have lots of pictures and stories to tell, and, since I'm having a rather nasty case of insomnia, I will share some :D

Last I wrote, I was having a really hard time figuring out I only have 7 days left on the free trial and I am realizing life is going to SUCK without it. Sad, huh? And really, I do need the program to continue with my photography....developing the NEF files is completely fantastic...being able to adjust the the levels and vibrance and colour saturation to make the photo look exactly as you intended it to...I'm really sad that I will lose the program and am contemplating making a different email and adobe account to get a new free trial ><
Sad, huh?

Anyway, I've been camping with the dogs and taking some "me" time. The rhododendrons are starting to blossom and I am really excited for that. Rhodies are my favorite wild flower (and the official Washington State Flower, Yay!). Not only do rhododendrons mean awesome flower means HUMMINGBIRDS! Hummingbirds love red things...and the wild rhodies here vary from a deep purple to fuchsia to bright red...and there is a nice cluster or red rhodies blossoming right up the road.
It's also starting to warm up here....the weather forecast looks rather nice for the rest of the week, so I will be getting more pictures of my Hellish Hounds LOL. They are loving all of the outside time...I think all of the inside time from this past winter drove them a little crazy. Poor Hero is plumb tuckered out from Sammy (my sister) rolling his ball up the hill for him to chase.
On the down side, I seem to have contracted some stomach virus and have not been able to keep much held down for the last three days...Right now I am drinking some tea and trying to get my stomach to settle after this last round of nausea. I WAS in bed...but that was shortlived.
Anyway...Since I am on a wireless Internet card, my internt connection has been a little slow and not very getting on Facebook and myspace and whatever other social networking places I have accounts on (I can't even remember them all....sad...) is next to impossible. I have managed to Upload photos onto and Deviant Art (Oh My GOD it was an insanely slow process)...

Oh. I accidentally drop-kicked my 18-55mm lens. That was fun.

OH OH OH! I AM GETTING A NEW LENS! ;) its a 70-300mm zoom and I'm also getting a 2x you know what this means? Yup! My THREE lenses just magically turned into SIX! Neat trick eh? I'm also getting some filters! Polarizing filter, UV, and an FL-D. I need to get gradient filters....Sunsets ;).
It's spring time now so I will be spending TONS of time on the canal and will be taking alot of sunrise/sunset photos...and will try my hand at some moon scenes, as the moonrises over the canal are just to die for.

Anyway..I promised are a few:

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